7 weeks to go..
Amazing bikini body? Hmm, still working on that one!
Aims for this week were..
1. Continue eating as well as possible
2. Up my exercise routine for toning up
3. Receive Bradley's passport
4. Continue searching for decent bikinis
5. Save, save, SAVE!
Eating well
Well, it's been half term this week so bikini diet kind of went out of the window come Monday! lol. I did try, but I did end up sharing tubs of Ben & Jerry's ice cream with the little man and eating bacon sandwiches for breakfast and a bag of minstrels at one point too. Massive fail!
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
Since most of my exercise is walking [I walk to and from work every day, 30 minutes each way], being off work has meant I haven't done much walking. Although I did do an hours walk on Tuesday afternoon to and from the tanning salon and had a quick 10 minutes on the Flabelos. I've done a few arm exercises this week too, and a couple of sessions on Wii Just Dance 2 with the little man! So a little gentle exercise is better than none right? :)
I did find a local Zumba class but ended up cancelling to take Bradley to the fair instead! Joys of single parenthood right there! Although I reckon those bloody Waltzers may've spun a few lbs away.. maybe?! :)
Must. Try. Harder.

Receive Bradley's passport..
After a few teething problems [their fault not mine! :)] I finally received his passport, panic over!
Find some decent bikinis..
I have major body confidence issues, pregnancy wasn't kind to my body.. so finding the perfect bikini is never an easy job. I have tankinis, numerous bikini bottoms and a full, but very pretty, swimsuit from River Island. I did purchase a couple of bikinis this week, think I'm only going to take one of them with me though.. I might purchase another before I go.. I did buy a cover up, a beach bag, some beach towels and sandals from Primark [ssh!] too.. ;)
I only managed 6 minutes on the sunbed this week, due to busy mummy duties! But I did get a lovely couple of hours in the sunshine too! Products I've been using for beach body prep this week have been..
Australian Gold Gelee Accelarator
Loreal Sublime Bronze for Body
Loreal Sublime Bronze for Face
The Body Shop Vitamin E Intense Moisture Cream
Lush Buffy
Lush Butterball bath ballistic
Lush Floating Island bath melt
Lush Angels on Bare Skin
Lush Dream Cream
Save, Save, SAVE..
I'm not doing well on the saving front! Especially this week being half term, entertaining the little man usually involves money!! But we'll be fine I'm sure :)
Hopefully next week will be a better one! :)